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Your Somatologist Sharon Honman Btech

Registered with the allied health counsil for theraputic reflexology - A10312-TR

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Spring clean your skin

With spring weather quickly approaching, it’s time to face that dreaded annual activity: spring cleaning your skin, follow theses steps:

  • Tip 1: Get a facial-it a good way to thorough clean the pores, soften and remove dry dead skin cells and will restore a radiant glow.

  • 2: Exfoliate -we've all had heavy creams to moisture our faces all winter long, but it’s time to get the excess out of your pores.

  • 3.Going from winter to spring, ur skin is a lot drier due to the lack of moisture. Treat yourself to a light peel or microdermabrasion,

  • 4. Spring clean your product cupboard, by tossing all the expired products and replace them with what you need, ask you therapist for advices

  • 5: Its time to abandon the heavy moisturizer and maybe even your gel cleanser, and switch to something lighter for the spring.

  • 6.Protect -It might be tempting to bask in the glow of the sun but it's crucial to protect yourself from the sun’s damaging rays

  • 7.Your skin craves good nutrition just like the rest of your body, so a good cleansing routine is important

  • 9. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains for healthy skin.

  • 10. Exercise every day. Exercising helps your skin by increasing blood flow. And sweating flushes out dirt from your skin.

  • 11. Stay out of the sun. Get a fake tan if you want more color.

  • 14. Give your face a little more TLC - with home made masks -http://bodytiquetherapistthruths.blogspot.com/

  • 15. Don’t neglect your body during the transition as well - Enjoy a much needed mani and pedi at your salon.

  • 16. Don't forget to exfoliate the body to with a body scrub to make you feel like a whole new woman and get your skin glowing.

  • 17. Rehydrate your body skin by soaking in a warm bath of water to 2 tbsp of milk powder. Its the ultimate skin softener