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Your Somatologist Sharon Honman Btech

Registered with the allied health counsil for theraputic reflexology - A10312-TR

Friday, June 22, 2007

Winter facials

Thermo active
If you haven’t experienced Acadiemie's Thermo active mask now is the ideal time, with the damage and the dryness of winter, we all need added warmth and improved circulation. What better way to get it than with a self-heating mineral mask? This unusual clay based mask is applied over an ample and nourishing massages cream. Its heating and setting action ensures maximum penetration of the active ingredients and has a wonderful stimulating effect on the skins circulation. The comfortable warmth feels heavenly and it’s the perfect way to get your skin warmed up and glowing.


This mask is also great to use in congunction with the CACI non surgical face lift. As it will help the therapist to penertrate collagen or moisture deeper into the skin.

Thanks to its exfoliating action
▪ treatment refines the skin
▪ reducesthe depth of wrinkles and fine lines
▪ it slows down excessive oil production and boosts cell activity

optimum hydration treatment
an exprees treatment of 45 min giving optimum hydration and radiance.
▪ put miosture into skin
▪ soft and supply skin

Aromatheraphy oil of the month

GINGER –Zingiber Officinale

PLANT PART: ripened rootEXTRACTION: steam
Ginger is a medical herb and an essentiaol oil. They both have similar properties. Ginger oil is pale –yellow to light amber colour.Has a fresh-spicy-woody scent.

Its warming and stimulating effects benefit the whole body , enhance general health and vitality and dispelling the cold and lethargy that can permeat us on winter days.

Francerheumatism, muscular aches and pains, sprains,broken bones,colds, nausa, vomitting, diarrha, digestive disorders, antiseptic, carmative , laxative , rubefacient, stimulant, decongestant for coughs and chest infections as well as sinus. Helps with headaches and migrains

Ginger buisects or tea are great to help with morning sickness
Ginger tea helps speed infection away, such as sore throat and flus ect

ginger and lemon tea
Flu and cold fighter. It also helps stimulate the immune system.
25g Fresh root ginger,peeled and sliced
600ml water
squeeze of lemon juice
honey taste.

Place the root ginger in a pan with water.Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the lemon juice and sweeten with honey to tast.
Drink hot

Serves 2-3

Monday, June 11, 2007

Big race tips

Well comrades is five days away and one should not be training and push ones self at this stage of the game. One should be resting and stretching muscles and maybe doing a massage or two before the day.

Muscles to strengthen and stretch for running are:

  • abdomens
  • chest
  • lower and middle back
  • hips
  • upper leg
  • lower leg /ankle and feet

One could also do ice baths: Most of the big guys do this two to three days before a race. The reasoning behind this is to helps to get a lot of soreness out of the muscles. Note that one day before a race is to soon,because some people feel stiff after woulds. It seems to take a few hours to thaw.

How to do an ice bath? Fill your bath with enough cold water and ice to not melt in 20 minutes. Then hold your breath and plunge in (maybe bit down on a cloth)cause its going to be cold. Its also a good idea to get the whole team in to doing it that way you can laugh together.The recomended time is 15 -20 minutes. This treatment can be done after the run as well and works great.

Nursing an injure!!

Well have you trained to hard? Have you twitched or pulled or injured yourself? Well the best thing to do is the following with in 24 -48 hours of the injury.

  1. REST - Try resting the area as much as possible, for the whole 5 days
  2. ICE - Apply ice to the injured area. This helps decrease swelling and helps increase healing. However less is more in this case NOT the other way round. To much icing can damage the area more. Small areas should be iced for five minute only. ( small areas are wrist/ankles ect) Larger areas should be iced for ten minutes only. (large areas are legs/thighs ect). Please don't place the ice directly onto the skin cause it can burn the skin. One of the best ice packs to uses it a bag of frozen veggies.
  3. CCOMPRESS -Bandage or strap the area.
  4. EELEVATE - area

Ofter 48 hours one should do the following till the area has healed

  1. Mobilization - move the area( stretch it)
  2. Ice - Same as above ice process
  3. Compress - bandage or strap the area
  4. Elevate -area

Please not that if anyone is unsure of the injure or what to do ,please call or see a sports therapist.

Good luck and safe running.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Acne ,black heads and pimples

Bodytique can help you prevent and cope with theses
How Does Acne Develop?Acne is a skin disorder which is caused by plugged pores on the skin. Acne lesions arise through pilosebaceous units, which are made of sebaceous glands and hair follicles in the middle layer of skin called the dermis. Pilosebaceous units are found all over the body except in the palms of hands and the bottoms of feet. That is why we do not have body hair or oil glands in these places, and thus no acne.
Acne StatisticsAcne is one of the most common skin diseases in the United States. It is not contagious, but rather develops most prevalently during the teenage years and the early 20s. Acne is caused by an excess production of oil in the sebaceous glands.
5 main sources of acne:
Bacteria buried deep inside your pores
Dead skin cells that clog your pores
Excess oil production in your skin
Improper moisture balance Inflammation

Treatment for acne

Teen treat – use sebu rangeProper Skincare practices are introduced to adolescents to assist in maintaining healthy skin!

Acne Facial
Is a paramedical treatment, which helps to promote healing, reduced inflammation and gently start to correct the balance of sebum production. This treatment helps prevent scaring and helps to eliminate pre treatment scarring.

Identifying your skin type

Knowing what skin type you are can be confusing and frustrating when trying to get a good skin care routine going. There are five basic skin types, namely :

  • Oily/ problem skin

  • Dry / Sensitive skin

  • Combination skin

  • Normal skin

  • environmentally damaged skin

But which one are you ? Well here are some tips to help you analysis your skin into a type. The first step in pinning down your skin type is to get hold of a magnifying mirror to see whats really happening with your skin. Now brace yourself, because in most cases, this is not a pretty sight. A magnifying mirror highlights every blackhead, whitehead, pimple, crater and wrinkle. But if its any consolation, most peoples skins don’t pass the magnifying mirror test with flying colours.

There's a simple test to help you narrow down your skin type.The tissue test ,check on the glandular activity of your skin. As complicated as that sounds, its actually a simple procedure that just requires a paper tissue.

  1. Press the paper tissue to your nose and forehead for a few seconds. Do not rub it over the surface of your skin.
  2. Then remove the tissue and examine it.
  • If your glands are working overtime, the tissue will have greasy marks on it. (oily /problem skin)
  • If the tissue is spotless, don’t get too excited. Its not a good sign. It means that your skin lacks lubrication. (dry /sensitive skin)
  • If the tissue is hardly soiled, you are one of the lucky ones with perfect skin.(normal skin)

Here a basic break down of each skin type:

  • oily skin - Skin shines easily and looks dull. Might have a few pimples
  • Problem skin - Open pores and lots of pimples and normally your skin looks angry
  • Dry skin- Feel tight and very dry and reacts to temperature changes
  • Sensitive skin- Easily becomes red and irritated. Reacts to just about anything
  • Normal skin -smooth perfect skin ,that everyone strives to achive.
  • Environmentally damaged skin- skin that has premature aging (wrinkles ,fine lines etc) and pigmentation
  • Combination skin- Can be a combination of any of the above skin types. For example oily/dry skin is a skin that can have a oily forehead/nose/chin (t-panel) and the cheeks are dry.

Each skin type is treated in a different way with different products ,and that why its so important to know your skin type and how to treat it . Thus one can control and improve there skin and appearances.

By S.Honman