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free to post comments and questions or email me direct.

Your Somatologist Sharon Honman Btech

Registered with the allied health counsil for theraputic reflexology - A10312-TR

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Diabetics package in bulk :
Weekly package : Leg massage , foot treatment and reflexology R800 for month (4 treatments month)

DIABETIC CARE: Blood circulation massages on legs , foot treatment, reflexology and acupressure R 300 per treatment (2hrs)
Foot care : foot treatment and reflexology R180

Whats new

Changes at Bodytique
Due to the new customer protection act which was launched on the 1 APRIL 2011,Bodytique has made a few changes in order to accommodate the new act. Bodytqiue will be changing things for the next few month.
The following changes are effective from 1 April 2011:
Gift vouchers: Bodytqiue will no longer be issuing gift vouchers for certain treatments, BUT will be issuing Bodytique money/point vouchers. What does this mean ? This means the following that when purchasing a gift voucher for someone will issue you vouchers in the form of money vouchers or points. So instead of say value: back massage you’ll get either a vouchers : for R150 or for 50points (the point voucher will have a list attached to it with all the treatments to the value) The two different voucher offers allows you as the customer to choices which route you’ll like to choices.
* Bodytqitue money terms :

The following changes are effective from 1 June 2011:
News letters / adverts / specials:
Please note that will the new act in place Bodytqiue can no longer just send out news letters or specials via sms or email. Bodytique has created on online form that can be filled in or one can see it attached to
our email. Please note that if you haven’t subscribed via our blog or form , you will no longer
receive communication from Bodytique.

Please see form attached to email or at the back of the newsletter or on our blog : www.bodytique.blogspot.com

Terms and conditions forms:
Please not that at the end of May beginning of June new terms and conditions will be sent out. Please not that theses terns and condition will need to signed.

Recorded cards: . All clients will now have to sign forms about the contra indications ( side effects) of the treatment that you are having at Bodytique. Please note that this is a once off form that you have to sign. So for example:
Waxing : - can cause the following reactions
* Redding of the skin * Small to Medium sizes bumps
* Itching * Can take away your tan slightly
* Certain medications can cause the skin to pull off. Theses medications are thinks like
cortisone, pigmentation treatment creams.
Please note that Shaz will run through the forms with you so that you are aware of what you are signing,
kids under the age of 18 years will need there parents to sign for them .

Important Dates:
Please note that Bodytique is closed on the following days.
* 13 May—Friday
* 18 May—Wed—voting day
Shaz is tempting to do her Mtech in somatology
Her study is going to be on the following :

Shaz need people to fill in a questioner with regards to how treatments make one feel
so please see her online survey on http:www.surveymonkey.com/s/9SRSHJG or link through it on
the Bodytique blog spot—www.bodytique.blogspot.com. Shaz will also have some in the clinic. Your help will be much appreciated.

Help Shaz with Mtech

Shaz is tempting to do her Mtech in somatology
Her study is going to be on the following :

Shaz need people to fill in a questioner with regards to how treatments make one feel
so please see her online survey on

Your help will be much appreciated.

Your Metabolism - Truth and Myth

We hear a lot about metabolism and often blame our “slow metabolism” for our inability to keep our weight under control.

But what is metabolism, exactly? And is there anything we can do to change our metabolic rate?

Metabolism basically refers to all the chemical processes that take place in the body in order to sustain life – allowing you to breathe, pump blood, keep your brain functioning and extract energy from your food. When you hear the term metabolic rate more accurately called basal (or resting) metabolic rate that refers to the number of calories your body at rest uses each day, just to keep all your vital organs functioning. You burn additional calories through your daily activities and formal exercise, but by far, the majority of the calories that you burn each day are your basal calories.

Metabolism: Truths and Myths

Myth 1: Aging slows your metabolism.
Truth: People do tend to put on weight as they get older, but it isn’t inevitable. People have a tendency to exercise less, or less vigorously, as they age–and that means fewer calories burned per day. As activity levels and intensity go down, loss of muscle mass can occur. This then shrinks the body’s fat-free compartment and leads to a lower metabolic rate. Cardiovascular exercise will burn calories, and resistance training to preserve or build up muscle are great defenses against age-related weight gain.

Myth 2: You’re stuck with the metabolism you have, and you can’t change it.
Truth: We all seem to know people who can “eat whatever they want and never gain weight” or those who “just look at food and put on 10 pounds.” But lifestyle plays a big part in determining the calories you burn per day. While it may appear that there are people who eat all the time and never seem to gain, chances are they make healthy, relatively low-calorie selections naturally. And many of these people burn more calories through what is called Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)–basically, they move around a lot during the day. They might fidget more, get up from their desks frequently during the day to stretch, or walk down the hall to talk to a colleague instead of emailing. Next time you’re in a public place, for example a coffeehouse, become an obwaiter. You may notice that heavier people sit very still and hardly move. Leaner people may use more hand gestures, or wiggle a foot or a crossed leg. The point is, build more muscle and then use it by moving around more throughout the day.

Myth 3: Eating a grapefruit with my meal will speed up my metabolism.
Truth: There’s nothing special about grapefruit that will speed up your metabolism. Sometimes it’s recommended that you should eat half a grapefruit with each meal for this purpose. But the reason this may work is not because of anything magical about grapefruit. It’s simply a watery, low-calorie food that takes up space in the stomach that might normally be taken up by higher-calorie foods. It may help weight loss, but it doesn’t have any effect on your metabolism.
Myth 4: If I cut calories, my metabolic rate will slow down, so what’s the point of exercising?
Truth: It is true that your metabolic rate can slow a bit when you cut calories. After all, your body’s natural inclination will be to try to conserve calories as best it can. But these decreases are relatively small, and if people become more active as they lose weight, this can offset these small changes. By dieting and exercising, you can help to preserve the rate at which your body burns calories.


Your muscle mass works like a furnace, burning calories and stored fat for energy. The more muscle you
have, the higher your metabolism, the faster you burn calories. Eating plenty of protein daily is essential
to maintaining your muscle mass for good health, energy and effective weight management.


Body Talk - cellulite

Most woman ,whether they like it or not, have cellulite. It’s the bane of every woman’s life.
What is cellulite?
It is the lumpy, irregular fatty deposits that are found under the skin, on the outer thighs, hips and buttocks. This can be described as “orange peel skin” or “cottage cheese look”. So basically cellulite is the accumulation of fat , fluids and toxins that get clogged up within the tissues.
*poor circulation *poor lymph drainage
*lake of oxygen *toxicity
*water retention *alcohol
*hormonal changes *poor diet
*lack of exercise

What can you do about it?
Before bathing, brush the skin. Using a brush of real bristles, brush upwards all over the body for 5 min .
( use cellulite brush)
2)Hot shower
3)Cold shower , if you have a detachable shower head . Turn it on fully and use the impact of the water on your skin to massage up the inside and outside of the leg.
4)Massage area in the evening and morning
( cellulite cream), blend of aromatherapy oils.
5)Twice a week use toxin eliminator bath salts. Have the water as hot as you can comfortably lie in.( 30min –1hour) While in the bath; massage, pinch and pummel cellulite area to help break down fatty deposits.
6)Shower afterwards (cold water).
7)Relaxes – helps the body shift the waste and fat deposits. Stress on the other hand can cause cellulite to stick.
8)Increase your exercise and watch what you eat. Swimming is great, and so is walking and stretching.
9)Avoid sugary snacks ,coffee.
10) increase vitamin C intake.

There are already home care baskets made, containing cellulite cream, toxin eliminator bath salts, cellulite brush. For R 210
(Two days waiting period)
Bodytique’s cellulite package:
treatment 1 will consist of:
● cellulite massage
shower (hot/cold)
● massage with aroma oils on area
Recommended program:
First 4 Months—1 week
There after 2 twice a month
Other product house products
Annique : Decrease Cellulite cream
helps improve the appearance of cellulite, increases blood circulation. its been a favorite amongst customers.
Spa solutions: body shape and tone
This product activates the breakdown of lipids in fat cells of the adipose tissue. To enhance the penetration into deeper layers, the actives are enclosed in liposome.