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of information here that you can help to balance your mind,body and soul. Feel
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Your Somatologist Sharon Honman Btech

Registered with the allied health counsil for theraputic reflexology - A10312-TR

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Bodytique has been running for 5 years now its hard to believe that we we're once a one cubicle salon and now we're been in our tranquil oasis with themed rooms and relaxing garden for a year already . While sitting in our reception or garden and sipping flavored water or a cappuccino you can here the bubbling of water falling to sooth your soul.
For the month of February Bodytique will be running a membership for R150.00 were you'll get 12 coupons with discounts or percentages off. As well so special offers thought the year exclusive to club members only.
All you have to do is to fill in the form attached and deposit the money into bodytique's account and fax us the form. Then we'll send you all your goodies.
So don't forget to pop in and spoil yourself for our birthday and to join in all the fun

Skin Protection Guidelines in the Sun:

Avoid mid-day sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Try to wear long sleeved shirts and trousers, caps if possible.
Use enough sunscreen on skin. Use a mild one, if you have very oily skin.
Keep in mind to use sunscreens having sun protection factor (SPF) that is greater than 15, and that has UVA and UVB coverage.
Tanning is certainly not good for the skin, so do not opt for it., one can use self tan


Breathing workshop
March 09

Free You’re Breathing, Free Your Life

The breathing workshop allows you as an individual to improve your quality of life.

Workshop will help you improve your breathing as well as give you a new appreciation for breathing exercise.

Breathing is the first place not the last place one should investigate when any disordered condition presents itself."
Sheldon Hendler, MD, Ph.D

R200 per person.

Booking essential.

caci toning facial

A CACI non surgical face lift is an electronic beauty treatment using a CACI machine. CACI treatments lift the face by toning facial muscles, smoothing away fine lines and wrinkles and preventing sagging skin.
An overall treatment for the face and neck. This deeply relaxing treatment combines tiny electrical currents to tone the muscles of the face and to gently encourage the skin cells to function more efficiently. Following a treatment, your facial muscles will feel firmer and your skin will look glowing.

The CACI Non-Surgical Facelift treatment has been acclaimed by the international media as probably the most exciting beauty development of the last decade. It is now to be found in the world’s leading clinics, salons and health spas.

The CACI Non-Surgical Facelift treatment helps tighten and tone sagging facial muscles, while smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment produces immediate and dramatic results. It works by combining a unique patented electrical waveform (Tsunami®), with the naturally occurring bio-electric current of the body, to achieve instantly visible results on sagging muscles and skin.

The CACI Non-Surgical Facelift has attracted an unrivalled celebrity following, making it the most publicised and talked about treatment in the industry’s history. CACI clients include famous faces from the world of show business, music, media and royalty.
This treatment is for people who wish to tone up their facial muscles and freshen their skin to achieve a healthy youthful glow.
Its like go to the gym, you work your muscles to give yourself a better body shape, so why not work out your face and keep that in better shape too.
The beauty of CACI is that it is actually a pleasant relaxing facial treatment which may be combined with skin products to exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin. So lay back on the couch while the CACI machine does the hard work!
Think of CACI as insurance your face, a monthly pampering treatment to keep you looking young