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Your Somatologist Sharon Honman Btech

Registered with the allied health counsil for theraputic reflexology - A10312-TR

Thursday, December 6, 2012


News with Shaz

·         Follow our skin & body health weekly news letter on http://bodytiquetherapistthruths.blogspot.com/

·         Follow us on twitter  - @bodytique for skin , weight loss and general body care tips.

  • We are really excited to tell you about an interview  with Des for the programme Ontbytsake. Please note that this episode  will be broadcast on Saturday (08 December) between 07:30 and 9:00 on kykNET, Channel 144, DStv.The episode will have repeat broadcasts on Sunday 09 December between 9:30 and 11:00 and again on Tuesday 11 December and Thursday 13 December between 13:00 and 14:00.This particular episode is their “ holiday programme” and Dr. Des talks about the importance of sun care. We hope you enjoy this.

Look after your skin over the party period

Nothing ages your skin quite like the excesses of the festive season.
There is nothing more ageing than all the late nights, extra stress and work load, that comes along with the festive season. Plus don’t forget the bad eating and drinking habits and oh yes the great weather we have in South Africa.
So not only do we have our festive season habits kick in we have the sun and air conditions that affect the condition of our skin to. As well as most people’s skin care routines, get chucked out the window – “I’ll start it again the new year”.
Unfortunately aging and skin impurities waits for no one! But this doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy festive season and relax a little, here are some tips to keep your skin looking fabulous while enjoying the sun, food and late night parties.
Must have in ones bag or hand bag:
·         A good SPF – and remember the key is reapplying not the SPF Factor.
·          A small sprinter bottle with some rooibos tea  and rose water (50ml bottle – 40ml water which you brew your tea in for 5min’s , than once cool add 10ml of rose water)  into to occasional sprits over the face, neck and chest.- see article below for benefits




·         When sitting in a air coned room, place a bowl of water in the room to help prevent dehydration of the skin.

·         Drink loss of water

·         Take a cocktail of vitamins and minerals such as – vitamin c , anti oxidants and omega 3 and 6 ( please remember however that you should check to see that they don’t affect any of your other medications)


Night after a long night out :


·         Wash your face before bed, yip even if it’s at 2am and your tiered. At the very least, use a cleansing face wipe to remove make-up, sweat and impurities from your face.

·         Slather on some night cream or moisturiser to help rehydrate the skin.


Waking up in morning:


·         Wash your face again

·         Use a hydrating mask if you have time or wipe with some cucumber juices (and do your other bits and bobs like brush teeth, comb hair extra) than rinse off with water.

·         If your eyes are puffy: than apply cucumbers / potato peels or cold tea bags for a few minutes

·         Try skip the coffee and opt for green tea instead – this could be  a challenge for some



If you follow the tips above, you can help your skin quickly restore that fresh, radiant and dewy look. But these little tips and tricks can only take you so far. They should not be taken as a free-pass to abuse your body over a long period of time.

Rooibos and rose water


50ml bottle – 40ml water which you brew your tea in for 5min’s , than once cool add 10ml of rose water


Benefits of rooibos:


·         Rooibos contains many minerals that the body needs as magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, iron and zinc.

·         High defensive natural antioxidants

·         It helps to create a clear and radiant skin

·         It acts as a skin freshener.

·         The tea's antibacterial nature is one more advantage, as it can treat and alleviate bacterial infections on the skin.
help tighten pores as well as soothe any inflammation and redness on your skin

Benefits of rose water:


·         nourishing and hydrating the skin and face

·         stimulates the circulation

·         maintains the pH balance of the skin

·         play a role in reducing damage from sun exposure