Thank you for visting Bodytique blog. You'll find a wealth
of information here that you can help to balance your mind,body and soul. Feel
free to post comments and questions or email me direct.

Your Somatologist Sharon Honman Btech

Registered with the allied health counsil for theraputic reflexology - A10312-TR

Monday, February 8, 2010

Up comming promo's

2010 is a year of exitment

not only due to the world cup, but due to the great promotions that we're going to run . Remeber keep an eye on our promo web page for more details .

theses are not to be missed promo's:

March - breathing workshops start

april - easter

may - mothers day / comrades

june - father day and world cup soccor

july - world cup socorr

So keep an eye open foe great spacials and fun promo's


<strong>our first ever…
“Love My Look Sale!”
That’s just what you’ll say after you take advantage of your FREE addition money savings coupon below worth a
“Sweet” 14% OFF
Between Now and Valentines Day Only!

Take advantage of this “SWEET” savings opportunity only good thru February 14th, 2010. Bring this postcard in and receive…

14% OFF

If you haven't had the postcard emailed to you or smsed please email bodytique@gmail.com and we'll gladly email it.