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Your Somatologist Sharon Honman Btech

Registered with the allied health counsil for theraputic reflexology - A10312-TR

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Treat of the month

Love your feet this summer.

Summer is time for you to wear those sandals and show your toe nails. But feet are usually the most rejected part of the body.

What causes that?
1. Badly fitting shoes.
2. wearing uncomfortable shoes i.e. high heeled shoes
3. Unpushed cuticles
4. Too big(obese) to reach the toes
5. Very busy schedule.
6. Too lazy to

This results in:
1. Skin(cuticles) over nail
2. Corns
3. Callus

Home Tips to maintain toe nails

3. Soak them in warm soapy water,
4. Exfoliate
5. wipe feet and push back cuticles.
6. moisturise

by Nozipho

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