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Your Somatologist Sharon Honman Btech

Registered with the allied health counsil for theraputic reflexology - A10312-TR

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sports therapy- Comrades tips: Water is not enough for long runs

Water is not enough for long runs
1) Your body looses salt, electrolytes and minerals which have to be replenished. Buy sports drink for that matter.

2) Do not, I repeat, do not drink magnesium drinks! If you want you can have magnesium drinks, tablets AFTER your run. During exercise it will only lead to diarrhoea.

3) Gels during the water consumption must be right. Two much water result in a hypotonic –few carb's to your legs. Too little result in diarrhoea and using a sports drink …find a portaloo.

4) Remember never to mix sports drink with water, a practice which will increase your chances of avoiding GI upsets and delivering enough carbohydrate to your muscles

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